Midweek Devotions


Sunday - IN PERSON OR Streaming Live at 930 PST | Wednesday - Devo 6:30pst

Devotion  (Devo)

Acts 2:42a "They devoted themselves..."

Devotions are where we come together as a family to spur each other toward love and good deeds.  It's where we connect and bring the Church together to build unity, share announcements and make sure we are in alignment.  We call it Devo or C.L.A.S.S. [Christian Lessons and Spiritual Support].  We also come together for an Hour of Power which is a time of prayer and have worship nights!

Congregational Devo's Also include: 

Hour of Power - A special time of congregational prayer for an hour or more.

Worship Nights - A special time to come together to simply worship our God! 


Fill out the form below and one of our church members will answer any questions you might have and inform you on the next DEVO!


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